Monthly Archives: April 2014

Botox referrals

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his ideas on how he gets referrals for new botox patients from his existing botox patients.


1.  free post kit – these can easily be obtained from the manufacturers. It cost us nothing and is given to every patient after any procedure they have. They love getting stuff for free and you can also cross sell your skin range at the same time.

2.  free mineral makeup session after treatment – similar to above, these patients are concerned with their appearance, so why not do a mini makeover with your mineral make up. They are not expecting this and you never know, they may want to purchase some of your mineral make up range.

3. free neck and shoulder massage – Jenna, my assistant, is a qualified beautician. So whilst I am preparing the toxin/filler, she will give the patient a free 2 minute massage.

4.  3 month guarantee – on all our botox patients we offer a 3month guarantee from the day of their treatment in that if they feel they need  atop up or it has worn off within 3 months, it will be free of charge. You will get a tiny minority that may abuse the system, but this is counter balanced by the patients that appreciate this safety net and tell their friends about this.

5.  mates rates – we normally charge £250 for 3 areas of botox. We will reduce this to £200 per person, if they bring 2 friends with them to have it done at the same time. You will be amazed on who our patients will try to encourage to come so they can save £50. If they take this offer then the above referral incentive is not applicable.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.



botox – what you need to know before treatment

Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about what you need to tell the practitioner before you embark on a course of botox.


You should not receive botox if you are


  • allergic to botulinum toxin, normally this means if you are allergic to eggs, as the same protein found in eggs also occurs in botox
  • an infection in the area where the medicine will be injected



A detailed medical history will be taken prior to your botox treatment and special precautions should be applied to the following:


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or “Lou Gehrig’s disease”);

myasthenia gravis;

Lambert-Eaton syndrome;

a breathing disorder such as asthma or emphysema;

problems with swallowing;

facial muscle weakness (droopy eyelids, weak forehead, trouble raising your eyebrows);

a change in the normal appearance of your face;

bleeding problems;

heart disease;

if you have had or will have surgery (especially on your face);

if you have ever received other botox injections (especially in the last 4 months); or

if you have ever had a side effect after receiving a botulinum toxin in the past.



For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 01438 300111.